
3 Common KPIs for CCaaS Solutions

We know that there is a connection that can be made between your customer’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and their CCaaS solution—a strong one, in fact. Understanding that connection is important. However, it’s also essential to take it one step further and determine what specific KPIs your prospects are working towards so that you can accurately assess the situation and provide a clear and working solution. Keep reading to explore 3 common KPIs you’ll likely encounter during your discovery process. Plus, learn how you can use them to connect your prospects to the right CCaaS solution!

Productivity + CCaaS

One of the most common KPI groups that CCaaS can positively impact are those that measure productivity. If your prospect chooses to focus on improving their productivity metrics, they will want to see sustained or improved performance from their own agents, often measured by the number of calls taken or lost, as well as the time spent answering and resolving customer concerns. Of course, productivity is a broad KPI that you can narrow down to a more specific goal, and therefore, a more specific KPI.

Occupancy Rate

One of those KPIs is Occupancy Rate. This measures the amount of time it takes for an agent to actively assist a customer and wrap up the call. Wrap-up includes conclusive note taking and other steps in the workflow before fielding another customer interaction. While a contact center supervisor obviously wants their agents to be working most of the time, having a very high Occupancy Rate actually tends to burn out agents, resulting in higher agent attrition. It’s also often indicative of having too few agents for a given shift. While not a universal truth for all, an Occupancy Rate of 75% tends to be ideal i.e., agents working for 45 minutes of every hour.

How could a CCaaS solution impact Occupancy Rates?

All major CCaaS vendors either partner with or offer their own proprietary Workforce Management (WFM) solution. These tools help supervisors schedule their agents in the most efficient manner, ensuring you don’t have too few or too many agents in each shift. These tools also help measure adherence to a schedule e.g., are agents taking too many breaks at the wrong time. An Occupancy Rate that is too high may also indicate that their workflow could use some improvement. For instance, perhaps agents spend too much time with wrap-up work. By integrating with leading CRMs like Salesforce and leveraging AI assistants, some of the agent workflow, like saving a transcript to a case and adding a disposition code, can be automated. This saves time, and time is money!

Quality + CCaaS

Quality metrics are the most obvious KPI group to consider for many businesses, but it’s a general one to be sure. At the most basic level, these answer the “How are my agents doing?” question. However, it can be difficult to quantify as a broad goal. Once again, that’s why it’s helpful to break down the goal into something more specific that customers can track, monitor, and ideally, improve! Remember, these metrics are often the result of customer response, as they are the ones whose opinions matter the most in this instance.

Customer Satisfaction

While one can measure customer satisfaction (CSAT) in many ways, one of the most typical methods is to capture a customer’s response via post-interaction surveys offered over the phone, via email, SMS, or at the conclusion of an online chat session. While numbers vary across industries and verticals, CSAT survey response rates tend to fall between 10-30%.

How can a CCaaS solution impact Customer Satisfaction?

Modern CCaaS solutions offer another means of measuring customer satisfaction – sentiment analysis. This technology enables contact center leaders to essentially “see” customer emotion, either in real-time or as a recording. They can even track and enter “negative” moments marked by harsh language or an annoyed tone of voice. With sentiment analysis, a supervisor can see a customer’s response throughout the entire interation. Using this information to coach agents and/or redesign workflows can pay dividends through happier, repeat customers. To differentiate one’s brand through top-tier customer service, a company needs as much data as possible to derive insights from, and modern CCaaS platforms with sentiment analysis offer those capabilities. Sentiment analysis software is typically baked into a modern CCaaS solution or is available as a feature add-on (either proprietary or a 3rd party).

Performance + CCaaS

Is improved performance of your prospect’s workforce the main KPI they hope to hit for their organization? If so, you can presume they are a more sales- and marketing-focused business. This is helpful information to store as you search for the right provider for their technology framework. That said, customer retention in the customer service contact center is also a measure example of a performance KPI.

Data Analysis

As we all know, sales is a numbers game. For organizations with inside sales teams, as well as those that engage in some form of marketing outreach, minimizing costs and maximizing revenue is the name of that game. And the truth is that data is going to be the one of the true equalizers in understanding performance.

How can a CCaaS solution help improve Data Analysis?

Ask your prospects the question, “Do you possess the technology to automate and optimize sales and marketing outreach across a variety of voice and digital channels?” If the answer is no, then CCaaS is the clear solution to turning their no into a yes. With the ability to integrate with a vast number of data sources, including many leading CRMs and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, modern CCaaS solutions provide a wealth of data analysis tools to help adopters measure their performance. For instance, telephone outreach campaigns can be designed more efficiently. They can use historical and real-time data to determine on a granular basis (typically hourly) the best ratio of outbound calls per agent to connect as many callers to agents as possible and increase the likelihood of a sale. Digital campaigns (predominantly email and SMS) also allow for similar analytics.

When analyzing a prospect’s KPIs, think about the capabilities modern CCaaS solutions bring. Ask questions that would indicate those solutions could be the answer your prospect is looking for. The KPIs may seem like a minor detail, but oftentimes, the solution is in the details. You just need to dig deeper and ask the right questions to find it. And this is just the beginning. Download our free e-book to learn more about how key performance indicators could be the tool you need to find, guide, and close even bigger CCaaS opportunities.